online shop/プリント販売
What Lotus Taught Me / 蓮が教えてくれたこと

Image size: 1700 x 340 mm (66.9 x 13.4 inch)
Panel size: 1740 x 380 mm (68.5 x 15.0 inch)
Price: ¥200,000 (tax not included / 税別)

Image size: 1700 x 340 mm (66.9 x 13.4 inch)
Panel size: 1740 x 380 mm (68.5 x 15.0 inch)
Price: ¥200,000 (tax not included / 税別)

Image size: 1700 x 340 mm (66.9 x 13.4 inch)
Panel size: 1740 x 380 mm (68.5 x 15.0 inch)
Price: ¥200,000 (tax not included / 税別)

Image size: 1700 x 340 mm (66.9 x 13.4 inch)
Panel size: 1740 x 380 mm (68.5 x 15.0 inch)
Price: ¥200,000 (tax not included / 税別)
The State Pushkin Museum Collection / プーシキン美術館収蔵作品

Image size: 1700 x 340 mm (66.9 x 13.4 inch)
Panel size: 1740 x 380 mm (68.5 x 15.0 inch)
Price: ¥200,000 (tax not included / 税別)

Image size:
550 x 220 mm (21.7 x 8.7 inch)
Frame size:
762 x 610 mm (30.0 x 24.0 inch)
¥100,000 (tax not included / 税別)

Image size:
850 x 340 mm (66.9 x 13.4 inch)
Frame size:
1105 x 605 mm (68.5 x 15.0 inch)
¥200,000 (tax not included / 税別)
1) Please enter"name", "email address", and the 5-digit "work number" (e.g. wlt01) in the message field.
If you would like to deliver it, please also provide your address in the message field.
(For only domestic shipments, we will cover the shipping costs.)
"お名前"、"メールアドレス、5桁の作品番号(例: wlt01)を以下のメッセージ欄に入れてください。
2) Please make your payment (credit card) here.